M.S. in Hospitality Management

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Students earning a Master of Science degree in Hospitality Management view themselves as global employees who have the core competencies and a universal perspective required for effective business interactions.

The 36 credit-hour Master of Science degree in Hospitality Management offers an integrated program of study focusing on the management of products, services, and experiences in a consumer-driven global market. Courses are taught by knowledgeable and supportive faculty members who are actively involved in research involving hospitality operations, legal and regulatory aspects, marketing of hospitality services, sustainability, curriculum development, information technology, and global consumer issues impacting the hospitality industry.

Effective leaders are developed through core competencies including solving complex problems, generating new knowledge, communicating effectively, and creating new product and business strategies. Graduate coursework in areas such as research methods and applications, consumer theory, global tourism, restaurant development, and hotel operations prepare students for careers in lodging management, restaurant management, resort management, and tourism management. In addition to developing management specialists, the program provides education for academic careers in teaching hospitality management.

Employment Outlook



Students in the Hospitality Management program have various opportunities for seeking financial support and competitive awards.  

Costs of tuition and fees at UNT can be determined at https://admissions.unt.edu/tuition-costs-aid. This includes a tuition and fee calculator, which can help determine expected costs related to each semester based on full-time student status of resident or non-resident.

Fees may vary depending on the type of course taken, residency status of student, etc. https://sfs.unt.edu/explanation-fees. If you are classified as a non-resident student living outside of Texas while taking UNT courses (typically online) then an Out-of-State Teaching Fee is charged in lieu of tuition and instructional fees.



Program Objectives & Market Skills

Program Learning Objectives

Upon graduating with a Master of Science in Hospitality Management, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate, apply, and assess knowledge of theoretical constructs pertaining to the hospitality industry.
  • Demonstrate the principles of critical thinking and decision-making when evaluating complex issues within the hospitality management arena.
  • Identify technical aspects of the hospitality industry.
  • Apply the processes involved in hospitality management research.
  • Demonstrate professionalism, communication, and leadership skills needed for (1) managerial positions in the hospitality industry, and/or (2) advancement toward a terminal degree.

Marketable Skills for MS in Hospitality Management

  • Advance hospitality knowledge
  • Application of appropriate research methods
  • Analyze/synthesize information from sources
  • Hospitality strategic planning
  • Evaluate growth/competitive strategies



Graduate Student Handbook



Xi Yu Leung, Ph.D.

Associate professor & HTM Graduate Coordinator
